Hi There!! I've been threatening to do this for years. It's here now!!!
What is this?
Its an aggregation of 'All Sierra Leonean news Online', our own exclusives, music, food, events, entertainent... practically everything 'Salone' related can be found here. Basically you wont have to read 10 websites for Sierra Leone news or anything else, as you can get all you need buy just coming here. It's here now and it's about 0.00001% of what I have in mind. Think little Acorns and mighty Oaks, drop of water and oceans. All to be implemented as we go along depending on how things go and resources available.
Contributors for articles/advertisers/helpers/guest writers are needed. If you can do anything to help this grow
Contact us at SierraLeoneOnline@gmail.com
Thanks for reading and I hope to have a long blogging career ahead of me
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